How do I love Thailand?? Let me count the ways...actually, let me not because if I did, this blog would last for DAYS! Three years ago I was fortunate enough to spend 3 months over in Southeast Asia, traveling through Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. Aside from a few 3-week vacations here and there, this was the first time that I was away from home for such an extended period of time- those of you that know me now may be laughing to yourselves because it seems like 3 months is the minimum for my trips these days, but back then, this was a big deal! So I borrowed my friends backpack and somehow figured out how to pack enough clothes for 3 months, and off I went. As my 18-hour direct flight took off, I left behind the cold January weather and an (extremely) nervous mother..I'll admit now that I was also a little unraveled at the thought of stepping off the plane literally halfway around the world, but in hindsight it was the best thing that I've done. I'll never forget the first night in Bangkok, sitting at dinner and looking down the street only to see a man walking an ELEPHANT, like it was a dog! That's when I knew I was far, far away from my home.
Anyways, to make a long story short (see, I told you I could go on for days..) I found my way through Cambodia, saw Angkor Wat, then on to Vietnam (where I ate the best spring rolls I've ever had), and finally landed in Thailand, on the island of Koh Phi Phi, where the movie The Beach was filmed. Basically I ended up in paradise. And I still don't know why I ever left! The five or so weeks I spent on the island were pure bliss- I learned to scuba dive, made some great friends and worked on my tan (relentlessly!). Sadly though, the day came when I had to bid adieu. One last night in Bangkok and I was scheduled to take off, on that 18 hour direct flight back, halfway around the world, to my home. Deborah had been to Thailand three times before and highly recommended that I hit the Chatuchak Market before I left, so I changed my return date to accommodate the market hours on the weekend (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatuchak_Weekend_Market) And let me tell you- I STILL have dreams about this place! It's SO, so enormous..it would take multiple weekends to sift through all of the stalls. I spent all day there, buying pretty much everything I could get my hands on- but still, it wasn't enough! People were selling the most beautiful fabrics, scarves and jewels...I just wish that I had had more time, and more of a sense of what I wanted! It was overwhelming to look at all the goods and I was worried about having space in my backpack. So I left as all the vendors were closing up shop, knowing that one day I would return- with an extra suitcase in hand!
What's the reason for this whole Thailand rant you ask? Well, I'm sure you noticed the photos above- these are new accessories and bags from a company called JADEtribe and they are all handmade in, where else, Thailand! They are beautifully crafted and very functional. I have the smaller pouchette and I've used it for everything from a wallet when traveling abroad to a lip gloss/makeup case. The larger pouches can be used as clutches and make great gifts (hint hint Valentine's day!) and the bags are AWESOME! They are all messenger bags, thus can be worn across the body, and have plenty of room. The pictures don't do them justice- you have to see this handwork detail up close and personal, it really is amazing.
I hope you can come in a see for yourself..and I hope that every single one of you has a chance to travel to Thailand. It truly is an amazingly, magical place! And if/when you do go, make sure to take a trip to Koh Phi Phi for some scuba diving- it's mesmerizing! Until then...